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Zero Dollar Auth

Use this route to only Authorize a Card data (no charge), also known as Zero Dollar Authorization.


Request Body Params

card_holder_namestringCard Holder Name.
card_numberstringCard Number.
card_expiration_datestringCard Expiration Date, with YYYY-MM format.
card_cvvstringCard Verification Code.
simulate_non_regulated_banksbooleanOptional parameter to be used in Sandbox and be able to force the non regulated banks flag, returned by Antifraude Marlim.

Default: false.
Heads Up!

Marlim only accepts the following cards: Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Hipercard and Elo.

Response Object

date_createddateTimeAuthorization date in ISODateTime format.
acquirer_status_codestringIssuing Bank response identifier code.
statusstringRepresents the current state of the authorization. Possible values: authorized and refused.
authorization_codestringAuthorization code returned by the issuing bank.
nsustringCode that identifies the authorization in the acquirer.
card_holder_namestringName of cardholder used for the authorization.
card_brandstringBrand of the card used for the authorization. Possible values: visa, mastercard, amex, hypercard and elo.
card_first_digitsstringFirst 6 digits of the card used for the authorization.
card_last_digitsstringLast 4 digits of the card used for the authorization.
regulated_bankbooleanFlag responsible for validating whether the card is from a Regulated Bank or not. Possible values: true and false.

We create a dedicated page with all possible codes that will be returned in the acquirer_status_code parameter.
Take a look: Authorizer Return Codes.


Addressing a recent WU requirement, we've implemented our Antifraud system to determine whether a transaction is being initiated with a card associated with a Regulated Bank or not.

As part of this, we've introduced a new possible parameter in zda's returns: regulated_bank.


We have added the parameter simulate_non_regulated_banks to be used in the Sandbox environment, allowing you to "simulate" the outcome of a zda created by a non-regulated bank, resulting in a value of true or false.

To use it, simply set the value true for the simulate_non_regulated_banks parameter.


The simulate_non_regulated_banks parameter will not be accepted in the Production environment. If the value is passed, a 403 - Forbidden error will be returned.


curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "api_key: api_key_value" \
-d '{
"card_holder_name": "Luke Skywalker",
"card_number": "5555444433332222",
"card_expiration_date": "2026-08",
"card_cvv": "123"
"date_created": "2024-04-29T17:55:12.851Z",
"acquirer_status_code": "0000",
"status": "authorized",
"authorization_code": "122363",
"nsu": "36020073122363",
"card_holder_name": "Luke Skywalker",
"card_brand": "visa",
"card_first_digits": "555544",
"card_last_digits": "2222",
"regulated_bank": true